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​​​​​​  ​   Expert in Tracked Robot Chassis & Vehicle


Type#3: Spring-type suspension.

Used at rough terrain outdoor field.
Advantage: good flexibility under rough field conditions. 
Disadvantage: more complicated structure,  maintenance not as simple as above 2 types.

Type#4: X type suspension.

Used at rough terrain outdoor field.
Advantage: good flexibility under rough field conditions. 
Disadvantage: more complicated structure,  maintenance not as simple as above 3 types.

Suspension UGV all-terrain

 Type#1: No suspension.

 Suitable for flat fields like snowfields.
 Advantage: Simple, easy maintenance
 Disadvantage: no flexibility on rough terrain.​

Suspension for track kits
tracked robotic chassis Suspension

Any questions, please leave your message here, we will give you a reply within 48 hours! 

Suspension for robot rover
Suspension for tracked robotic chassis

Type#2: Half suspension or A-type suspension.

Suitable for the normal outdoor fields.
Advantage: Simple, easy maintenance,
 have some flexibility under normal conditions. 
Disadvantage: Less flexibility on rough terrain

Types of suspension of our robot chassis and track kits